The Chi Square Test is an approximate not an exact test. This simulation allows you to examine the accuracy and power of the Chi Square Test in a variety of situations. The significance of the difference between the proportion who succeed in Condition 1 and the proportion who succeed in Condition 2 is tested.

With the default parameters, the probability of success is the same (0.60) in both conditions so the null hypothesis is true. The default sample size is 10 per condition and the default significance level is 0.05.

Some authors have suggested that a correction called the "Yates Correction" be done whenever the expected frequency of any cell is below five. A test without this correction and one with the correction (if a cell has an expected frequency bellow five) is conducted for each simulated experiment.

If you click the "Simulate 1" button, one simulated experiment will be conducted. The observed abd expected frequencies are presented as well as the Chi Square Test with and without the Yates correction. A tally of the number of times the tests were significant is shown below.

If you click the "Simulate 1000" (or 5000) button then 1000 (or 5000) simulated experiments are conducted and the numbers of significant and non-significant tests are shown.