Click the "flip once" button and you will see a simulated coin toss. You will see the results which will show the number of flips (n) which, of course will be 1 after just one flip. Also shown will be the number of heads, the number of tails, the difference between these two quantities, and the proportion of flips that came up heads.

Click the "flip once" button a few times and view the results. Now try clicking the "flip 100" button. You will see the results of 100 coin flips. Take a look at the difference between the number of heads and the number of tails. Is it close to 0? Is the proportion of heads close to 0.5, Click the "flip 1000" button several times noting the result after each time. Is the difference between the number of heads and tails converging on 0? Is the proportion of heads converging on 0.5?

For a more precise answer to these questions, click the "Flip 25,000 times and draw graphs" button. The graph on the left shows the difference between the number of heads and tails on the Y-axis. The number of flips is shown on the X-axis. Does the graph look like it is heading for 0?

The graph on the right shows the proportion of heads as a function of the number of flips. Does it look like it is converging on 0.5?

Click the "Flip 25,000 times and draw graphs" button over and over with these questions in mind. It may take as many as 1,000,000 flips for the proportion of heads to be 0.500 (rounded of to three decimal places) although it will probably reach that value much sooner. Does the difference between the number of heads and tails converge on 0 the way the proportion of heads converges on 0.5?