- Notice that the total deviation is 6. Compute this by summing the 5 separate
abslote deviations (|1-3| + |2-3| etc.)
- The total area is 10. Compute this by summing the squared deviations.
- Click middle of the black line and drag it so that it is at 4. Has the
error increased or decreased?
- Clcik the left end of the line and drag it until the intercept is about
1. How has this affected the error?
- Drag the line further so it has an intercept of about 0. Then drag the
upper portion of the line so that it goest theourh the pont at 5.0. Within
rounding error, the error should be 0 and the equation for the line should
be Y' = 1X + 0.
- Click on the green point at 3.0 and drag it down so that its value is
about 2.0. Notice the error now is all based on this one pont.
- Adjust the line to see if you can make the absolute error any smaller.
- Adjust the line to see of you can make the squared error (area) as small
as you can and note equation of the line and the size of the area. Press
the OK button to see the smallest possible area. How does the line compare
with the one you chose?
- Move all the points around and then try again to fine the line that makes
the area smallest. Compare the area to the line that gives the smallest area.
- After you have found the line that gives the smallest area (smallest squared
error) see if you can change the line so that the absolute error is lower
than for this line that gives the smallest area.