1. With the default setting, (uniform population, sample statistic set to mean), click the "Animated Sample" a couple time. Notice how the sample means from each random sample accumulate in the bottom graph to gradually form a distribution. Then click "5 samples" and "500 samples" a couple times.

2. Click "10,000 samples" a couple of times until the total number of samples exceeds 50,000 and the sampling distribution stabilizes. Notice its shape and compare it with the population. Compare the mean of the sampling distribution with the mean of the population.

3. Select "Median" as the sample statistic. Draw 50,000 samples and take note of resulting distribution. Compare the mean of the sampling distribution with the median of the population.

4. Select "Range" as the sample statistic. Draw 50,000 samples and take note of resulting distribution. Compare the mean of the sampling distribution with the range of the population.

5. Select "Variance" as the sample statistic. Draw 50,000 samples and take note of resulting distribution. Compare the mean of the sampling distribution with the variance of the population.

6. Set the population to be "Normal". Repeat steps 2-5.