Does changing the mean of a distribution change its shape? Change the mean of the blue distribution from 50 to 60 to see. You will find that the shape is the same. It is just moved over to the right.

How many standard deviations from the mean do you have to go to include almost all of the distribution? Take a look at the red distribution. Very few scores are below 20 or above 80. This means that almost all of the distribution is within 30 points of the mean of 50. Set the mean and standard deviation of the blue distribution to 60 and 5 respectively. What are the limits of the distribution. Are almost all the scores within three standard deviations of the mean as they were with the red distribution? In other words, is just about all of the distribution between 45 and 75?

Experiment with different means and standard deviations to see how the changes affect the shapes of the distributions. Try a distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20.