Quantile Plots
How to do it
The upper and lower bars represent the 90th and 10th percentiles respectively. The
red bar in the middle of each box represents the median. The box extends from the
25th to the 75th percentile. The blue dot is the mean with lines extending one standard
error of the mean in each direction. The dotted line is the mean averaging across
all groups.
Descriptive Statistics
How to do this
leniency By Condition Means and Std Deviations Level Number Mean Std Dev Std Err Mean false 34 5.36765 1.82700 0.31333 felt 34 4.91176 1.68087 0.28827 miserable 34 4.91176 1.45368 0.24930 neutral 34 4.11765 1.52285 0.26117
Detailed Descriptive Statistics
How to do this
false Quantiles maximum 100.0% 9.0000 99.5% 9.0000 97.5% 9.0000 90.0% 8.0000 quartile 75.0% 6.5000 median 50.0% 5.5000 quartile 25.0% 3.5000 10.0% 3.0000 2.5% 2.5000 0.5% 2.5000 minimum 0.0% 2.5000 Moments Mean 5.36765 Std Dev 1.82702 Std Error Mean 0.31333 Upper 95% Mean 6.00512 Lower 95% Mean 4.73017 N 34.00000 Sum Weights 34.00000 Sum 182.50000 Variance 3.33801 Skewness 0.08284 Kurtosis -0.98709 CV 34.03769 |
felt Quantiles maximum 100.0% 9.0000 99.5% 9.0000 97.5% 9.0000 90.0% 7.2500 quartile 75.0% 6.1250 median 50.0% 4.7500 quartile 25.0% 3.5000 10.0% 3.0000 2.5% 2.5000 0.5% 2.5000 minimum 0.0% 2.5000 Moments Mean 4.91176 Std Dev 1.68087 Std Error Mean 0.28827 Upper 95% Mean 5.49824 Lower 95% Mean 4.32529 N 34.00000 Sum Weights 34.00000 Sum 167.00000 Variance 2.82531 Skewness 0.68614 Kurtosis -0.13069 CV 34.22123 |
miserable Quantiles maximum 100.0% 8.0000 99.5% 8.0000 97.5% 8.0000 90.0% 7.7500 quartile 75.0% 5.5000 median 50.0% 4.7500 quartile 25.0% 4.0000 10.0% 3.2500 2.5% 2.5000 0.5% 2.5000 minimum 0.0% 2.5000 Moments Mean 4.91176 Std Dev 1.45368 Std Error Mean 0.24930 Upper 95% Mean 5.41897 Lower 95% Mean 4.40455 N 34.00000 Sum Weights 34.00000 Sum 167.00000 Variance 2.11319 Skewness 0.72039 Kurtosis 0.03606 CV 29.59592 |
neutral Quantiles maximum 100.0% 8.0000 99.5% 8.0000 97.5% 8.0000 90.0% 6.2500 quartile 75.0% 5.1250 median 50.0% 4.0000 quartile 25.0% 2.8750 10.0% 2.2500 2.5% 2.0000 0.5% 2.0000 minimum 0.0% 2.0000 Moments Mean 4.11765 Std Dev 1.52285 Std Error Mean 0.26117 Upper 95% Mean 4.64899 Lower 95% Mean 3.58630 N 34.00000 Sum Weights 34.00000 Sum 140.00000 Variance 2.31907 Skewness 0.54869 Kurtosis -0.26987 CV 36.98351 |
Note there is no overlap of the dark red and the grey indicating that the false and neutral conditions are significantly different. The light red and the dark red overlap indicating no differences between either felt or miserable eith neutral.
leniency By Condition Means Comparisons Dif=Mean[i]-Mean[j] false felt miserable neutral false 0.00000 0.45588 0.45588 1.25000 felt -0.45588 0.00000 0.00000 0.79412 miserable -0.45588 0.00000 0.00000 0.79412 neutral -1.25000 -0.79412 -0.79412 0.00000 Alpha= 0.05 Comparisons with a control using Dunnett's Method |d| 2.37635 Abs(Dif)-LSD neutral false 0.311968 felt -0.14391 miserable -0.14391 neutral -0.93803 Positive values show pairs of means that are significantly different.
The table above shows the difference between absolute value of the difference between
means and the size of the difference needed to be significant (Least Significant
Difference or LSD). A positive value indicates that the difference between means
is larger than the LSD and therefore the comparison is significant. Only the difference
between the false smile and neutral expression is significant.